
Sunday 25 October 2020

Happy 600th Birthday To The Forbidden City! (Chinese History)

Wow! The Forbidden City just turned 600😍 The fact that it's still standing after 6 centuries of fires, wars and power struggles is nothing short of a miracle. Some interesting facts about this ancient wonder:

1. To combat the risk of fire, hundreds of metal vats were placed around the palace to collect water and early lightning conductors were built onto higher roofs.
2. Due to regular fires, as well as earthquakes, over the centuries, almost all of the buildings of the Forbidden City are later reconstructions of the originals. The Hall of Supreme Harmony, for instance, has been rebuilt seven times since its first construction!
3. The palace walls and supporting columns were washed with red clay from Shandong province; again, a color associated with the emperor, who wrote his edicts in red ink.

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